Sunday, September 30, 2012

Where's Bloodpaw???

Okay, so I know Bloodpaw's doing a lot of Clan jumping, so let me explain about his location:
He was from FlameClan, then disapeared for a few moons. Then he made his first appearance in HiddenClan, where he killed four cats. Then he crossed into FlameClan to plot his next attack. Meanwhile, his brother(Malicepaw) and sister(Camopaw) were staying with HiddenClan. So, to get revenge, Bloodpaw went back to HiddenClan, kidnapped Malicepaw, and made him a slave, threatening his life if he didn't do what Bloodpaw said. So then, naturally, Bloodpaw wanted to kidnap Camopaw, but she knew he was after her and so she went to WaveClan. But, Bloodpaw had stalked her, so while she was at a Gathering, he destroyed WaveClan's camp and killed three of their cats. After that he traveled to DuskClan, killed three of their cats, and kidnapped a she cat apprentice. He went back to FlameClan, chained the two of them together, and now she's carrying their kits. So then Malicepaw went to HiddenClan, killed an apprentice while Bloodpaw and his mate kidnapped Sunpaw, Malicepaw came back to RainClan, took Sunpaw to FlameClan, left her there and went back to HiddenClan to kill another warrior. Soon after that Bloodpaw and his mate arrive at their hideout in FlameClan.
So right now, Bloodpaw is in FlameClan.

If you're part of the tracking patrol and need to go into FlameClan territory, go to their roleplay at . You don't need to read any of their roleplay, just say that you're entering their territory looking for the two killers, etc. :) If you're part of the gathering patrol go to .

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