Friday, November 9, 2012

Gathering Today!

It's today, and you can also come tomorrow.


  1. I'm confused with the new look. How do you rp????????????

  2. I have no clue!!! I'm SCARED!!! EEP AND THERES NO CHATBOX?!

  3. I know how to get back to the normal looking blog with all of our past posts, go to 'RainClan RolePlay' page and click on the words that say ' hollow spaces between the roots of her pine where she keeps the sick' it'll bring you to a picture. After clicking the picture press the go back on the top of your screen and it'll take you there! ;D!

  4. FreshSnow turned to the kits "Okay, when I say 'run' I want your to run as fast as possible, go find anybody.. I'll probably be stuck her but you RUN!" Instructed FreshSnow to the two kits. The kits nodded hoarsly. "Run!" she yowled jumping out and attacking the back of MalicePaw. The two kits dashed off. FreshSnow attacked MalicePaw by scratching along his flank. He then cut her across the face, she bit his ear. He yowled. As soon as FreshSnow started running blood pulcing threw her veins like fire. BloodPaw jumped ontop of her out of nowhere and scratched her a deep long painful scratch along her flank. Due to loss of blood she fainted. She woke up in the same den.. But this time they had a dead foxes skull clamped onto her leg. The teeth digging into her skin made a sharp pain. She could see the teeth all the way on the other side of her leg. It was tied with some kind of plant to a stick in the ground. She yowled in pain.

    EmberKit huffed on with her Friend SkyKit on her tail. They reached MinnowLeap. Leaping over a log they ran to him. "MinnowLeap!" she gasped. "It's... FreshSnow.. BloodPaw and MalicePaw got her! You gotta go back and.. save her.." she huffed. MinnowLeap looked startled. SkyKit and EmberKit padded back to camp.

    RushingWater took the apprentice to ReedStar. "ReedStar" he said calling into the den. I put this here, because there is no comment box on RainClan RolePlay...

  5. Guys chill I'll figure out. Just don't post until I fix it.
