Saturday, November 17, 2012

Recent Problems...

I've noticed that recently some people haven't gotten a chance to post, and there's been literally about 20 posts since I last posted. (I don't know if you guys know this or not, but the rules are at the bottom of the page).
To be honest, that really isn't fair, and a lot of bloggers aren't giving others a chance to contribute to the roleplay. So, I'm making a rule that if another blogger is on and you two just feel like going back and forth, you have to do it on the One on One rp page.
Also, I need to talk to you guys about powerplaying. I DESPISE powerplaying. It's when you have a character, and someone else makes your character do something in THEIR post. BUT powerplaying is okay if you just have your character says something, and you have the other one respond, or something small like that. It is NOT okay if you make someone's character attack someone, kill someone, do anything drastic without their permission. So, I'm requesting that NO ONE makes Bloodpaw or Malicepaw do anything unless I say so, because they're my characters and I can't keep track of them when everyone uses them.
Lastly, Freshsnow, about Rushingwater... On Sharing Tongues when you said "OMG! I WANT RUSHING WATER HE'S SO AWESOME! But i'll leave cats for other people T_T"
I thought you meant that you liked him but you wouldn't claim him... Therefore I let Icecrystal claim him. Are you okay with this?


  1. That's fine! Okay then. I just want FreshSnow and EmberKit.. only the two.. i'll leave the last space jsut in case ;D!

  2. Oh, pardon me Wolf, but we've recently been using Bloodpaw and Malicepaw on HiddenClan... -_- If that's alright with you?
