Saturday, December 22, 2012


This has gotten way to out of hand. And trust me, you all are going to be mad at me after this post and probably quit RainClan, but here's the honest truth: You are acting immature. Why can't you just settle this without yelling at each other? Let me set things straight for good:
Emberkit, Ravenwing is your foster mother. I remember approving it. She's not your biological mother, but she is your foster mother. Therefore it isn't fair of you to bash on her.
Ravenwing, power playing is when you play someone's character without their permission. I usually power play unclaimed cats because I want to get them involved in the rp, or I power play small things like a cat being on a patrol, or a cat replying to something Reedstar said. 

Next, unfortunately, I really don't know who claimed Emberkit first. This is because on Deviantart Ravenwing probably messaged me and claimed her, and then a few days later I cleared out my inbox after I approved. Then, since it was cleared, I forgot to notify RainClan about it and CGB claimed her. 
So. Now the question becomes what to do about it. 
Personally I think I should revoke her from both of you since you've proved you can't handle the situation calmly while I'm not on. But I want to see what everyone thinks. What should we do about this?
And please don't flood the cbox with comments about this, just comment or ask your question here. I've deleted any/all comments concerning this on other pages, so from now on if you have something to say about it, again, post it here.


  1. Okay, i'm sorry to say, but if you want, just DELETE EmberKit. so NOBODY ever gets her... cause that will be just.. ugly.. either that, or give it to me cause I actually like to rp.. i'm just gonna quit if this causes anything else.

  2. Don't blame you if you do. This is such a head ache. :D
