Wednesday, January 23, 2013

New Bloggers

So, we're most likely going to get some new bloggers soon, so if your one of em, this post will help you. If you're not one of them, ignore this post. :)
So, roleplaying (rp for short) is basically a collaborative story. Someone will write a paragraph, publish it (more commonly known as "posting a comment"), and then another person will read it then write their own paragraph and post/publish it.
With roleplaying, there will be a plot, and your paragraph is about how your character reacts to it, and it forms the story. For instance if the plot were about a fox attack, I might reply,
Reedstar shouted, "Splashwave, Stormshadow, and Fernleaf, guard the nursery!" As they did so, she rushed to the elder's den to make sure they were safe."
Next up: you may have three characters, as long as they are "unclaimed". Meaning, they currently don't belong to anyone and are open to claim. Also, in your paragraph, don't play other people's character in a way that is significant for the plot. By significant, I mean killing or hurting or flat out playing their character. Now, you can if it's something small like the other character replied to a comment or twitches their tail or something like that.
To comment/post your paragraph, you type it in the "Post a Comment" box. Then go to the small white box beneath that that says "Comment As:" and it'll show a scroll down menu. Choose "Name/URL", and enter the name you want to go by(it doesn't have to be your real name). Ignore the "URL" box. Go down to where it says "Publish" and wait for you comment to show up.
If you have questions, feel free to ask; it's a lot to take in. Otherwise go ahead to "Claim a Cat/How to Join" at the top and choose your characters.

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