Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Character Update

Dawnsong, Freshsnow, Stormshadow, Splashwave, Emberkit, and Skykit are now claimed.


  1. Okay, to roleplay, you do this:
    you read whats happening in the story so far. for the short version, go to roleplay summary. then, you think about what you want to happen in the story next with your character. BUT that doesn't mean you can make someone else's cat do something. your characters are freshsnow and stormshadow, so it might go something like this:
    freshsnow watched at the edge of camp as the warriors started settling down for the night. why was there a hollow pit in her stomach, making her feel empty every moment she remained in the clan?
    Stormshadow growled softly as he saw Reedstar leave camp. How could she betray him like this?! Running off with another tom and having his kits?!
    He turned away and walked to camp while snow softly fell.

    Now, it doesn't have to be that exactly, it can be whatever you want your characters to say, think, or do. you should practice here once before you do it to make sure you get how its done. if u have questions, just ask me, i dont mind. :)

  2. Okay great! BTW I know how to rp, but different people have different WAYS. You use my way EASY PEASY! okay so for example;

    FreshSnow sat down with her tail curled neatly ontop of her paws, she gazed at the others. Daring any of them to come any closer to her.
    StormShadow hissed under his breath as he saw ReedStar leaving camp, he hated it! He tore at the ground with his claws. "She's hiding something from me!" he hissed.

  3. Perfect!!!
    But also, I hope you dont mind, but there's a rule that each post must be at least 3 sentences(more if you want), to maintain the quality of posts. :) Are you okay with that rule?

  4. Hey Wolf, I have my own WarriorCatBlog!! It's got a big chatbox too ;D! Alright the link is;

    Hope to see you there!!

  5. Np! Idon't have time right now but after school I'll check it out and put up the link.
