Friday, November 2, 2012

New Page

As you can see, there's a new page called "Sharing Tongues", where you can learn about your fellow RainClan bloggers. If you want, you can post stuff about you up and I'll put it up in a list under your name. But, it cannot be anything completely and totally personal, such as your address, your last name, or what school you go to. I know some people like to give away a few things, so if you want to, you can do your first name, what grade you're in, state, email address, random stuff like sports you play, and physical features(hair & eye color, etc.).
Oh, one last thing: If you know another blogger in person, live near them, are in the same class with them, etc., YOU HAVE TO ASK THEIR PERMISSION BEFORE GIVING AWAY ANYTHING THAT APPLIES TO BOTH OF YOU.
Because if everyone knows that you two bloggers are bffs, and one of you tells where you live, then everyone is going to know that not only you live there, but so does your friend. And sometimes that friend isn't okay with that.
So just to play it safe... Ask them first. :) 


  1. GREAT BLOG! it very well deployed =)
    i have my very own WC role playing blog based on the real clans i was just looking for more RP blogs so i can put them on my advertising scroller would want me to help you out?
    if yes then go the following to 'order' a button of your own to be on the add scroller > <
    your welcome
    is don't mind would like support us? all you have to do is a button from this link > <
    we have all kind of sizes small to big adds
    it would be very nice if helped and we are sure to help you ^^
    ps: pawsome blog

  2. :) Cool. I don't have time right now but I'll try later.
